FAQ - Frequently asked questions
An introduction to how athletics works in our club,. We have answers to some of the questions we have often been asked .
Help us demystify athletics for others – ask us a question using our contact form aand we'll do our best to get back to you
1. Please explain the different seasons in Athletics and what types of sports your club does during the year.
Winter season - April to September ( Cross Country April to August, Road Racing & Relays August to October). Distances are usually between 5 and 10 k.
Summer season - October to March - All weather Track Competition
Track includes Sprints (60m, 100m, 200m, 400m), Middle Distance (800m, 1500m)
Long Distance (3,000m, 5,000m, 10,000m) and Field (High Jump, Long Jump, Discus, Shot Put, Javelin). Some Road Racing at various distances and locations
2. Tell me more about the fee structure for joining, what would you advise a new member? Do events cost extra?
We'll outline some of the levels in Summer Subs 2021 here:
Active member 6 years & Under with no Saturday interclub involvement = $67.50
Active member 7 to 14 years with no Saturday Interclub = $92.50
Club sub and Saturday interclub registration 6 years and under = $122.50
Club sub and Saturday Interclub Registration 7 to 14 years $147.50
Some regional events will cost extra.
3. How do we work out the age of a child / adult for grading at events – as in, what date of the year do we use?
The grade an athlete will compete in for the season is based on the age of the athlete as at 31 December of the respective season. For example an athlete who turns 7 during the year will compete in Grade 7 for the duration of the summer season.
For adults it can often be the age they are on the day of the event. Some events may vary, your club race secretary, will help you with this, as they will help enter you in club events.
4. What is the ideal age to start athletics?
There is no ideal age to commence Athletics as programmes are designed for whatever age a child joins e.g.
Get Set Go programme for 4 to 6 year olds for Littlies Club and 3 to 6 years old.
Club Night programme for 7 to 14 year olds based on the Athletics NZ Run, Jump, Throw programme to develop all round athletics skills.
Adults can start at any age and we welcome beginners.
5. Is it compulsory to turn up to training and events?
There is no commitment to turn up for any training or events. However, if the athlete is keen Club training and coaching will result in improvements in performance and this is usually the goal.
6. What are the times for training in summer and winter for adults / children?
Monday 5-5.45pm is Littlies Club (3-6 years old)
Monday 5:00-6:15pm is Juniors (7-9 years old)
Monday 5:45-7:00pm is seniors (10-14 years old)
Thursdays 5:20-7:00pm (senior competitive athletes only)
7. Is it compulsory to turn up to training and events?
There is no commitment to turn up for any training or events. However, if the athlete is keen Club training and coaching will result in improvements in performance and this is usually the goal.
8. How do I get to compete and go to the new stadium at Ngā Puna Wai?
If you are there to support your child, you can learn more about the sport by offering to help alongside an official. For If your child is registered to for Interclub competitions parent are required to help in a roster basis.
9. How do I enter an event? What info do I need?
To represent the club for Saturday competition in Track and Field in Summer you turn up at the track and enter in person. For Cross Country, Road and Relay events in the winter, you enter through the race entry form on the Cross Country and Road page. The club captain or race secretary can help explain the procedure and lead up and any instructions before you compe
To represent the club in a national event a selection process is in place for a Canterbury team. The Canterbury Cross Country Road committee (often called the 'centre') will have selectors who recommend the best athletes based on their past performance.
10. Does training and events sometimes get cancelled? How do I find out if this happens?
Seldom is training or competition cancelled. If due to extreme weather it is decided to cancel training or competition this will be conveyed on the Club Facebook. Follow us here
11. Do you have coaching sessions to improve my running style and speed?
Yes, that is what we are all about, as well as throwing and jumping athletic sports. Club nights on Tuesdays and preparing for competition on Thursdays both have specific coaching. Additional coaching is available to those athletes who wish to commit to programmes, and then for specific techniques we can recommend many running coaches.
12. How do relays work? How many are there? Do I run with my club age group only or go in mixed teams with other clubs? Who chooses the relay teams?
There are up to eight relays on the winter calendar most years and they vary from off road to road surfaces. Relays usually consist of cub members only and same age group, but many events like the Takahē to Akaroa encorage corporate and community groups to enter as well - so invite some friends to join-in. Both girls and boys make up teams together. The club selector will help put a team together .
13. How can I get a New Brighton Olympic uniform and how much is it?
You will want o run in the club colors at an event and on Saturday training, so this maybe your first bit of training kit after your shoes. You can obtain the New Brighton Olympic singlet from the Club for approximately $40. Ask around, as secondhand uniforms may be available.
A New Brighton Olympic singlet is compulsory if part of inter club competition. This can be purchased from the club. Athletes are required to wear plain black athletics shorts with no franchise or logos on them. Optional merchandise such as hoodies, jackets, track pants and more can be purchased online.
14. Who runs the club? Is everything voluntary? What could a new member help with at the times they are there - on arrival and on pick-up?
The New Brighton Olympic Club is run by an Executive Committee (nothing too executive - all are welcome to join!). They simply make some decisions to help the club run smoothly. The children’s section has it's own organising group or sub committee. They are all volunteers, the whole system runs on volunteer power, so if you have a specific skill, or can note down some results for us, or you can just lend us a hand moving equipment around with setting up and packing away each week – it all helps, some of us are not as young as we like to think we are...so we need the odd bit of help and a kind work for the time we are putting into the sport and our community.
Yes, there is a lot of commitment from volunteers in the club to help athletes do their very best. New parents are encouraged to assist with Club Nights by way of helping to set-up, time keep, result taking etc. If an athlete competes on a Saturday morning at Ngā Puna Wai on the all weather track, parents will be rostered to assist with the running of an area or discipline. All parents are rostered assist throughout the season to help with one discipline and are trained accordingly.
15. What are the Colgate games?
The Colgate Games are held annually in the North Island and South Island for 7 to 14 year olds. It is the Championship event for each Island and the competition is held over 3 days early in January. It is a large event with a great atmosphere. In 2018 , over 900 competitors attended the Colgate Games in Dunedin.
16. What is 995?
“995” competition meetings are for athletes in grades 7 to 11 selected to compete against other centres held annually.
17. What does New Brighton Olympic specialise in - what is the club good at?
New Brighton Olympic is what one might describe as an “All round” club providing an excellent marked grass track facility for all grades from 4 to 14 year old children in the Children’s Section through to Junior athletes, Senior athletes and Masters athletes.
New Brighton Olympic caters for Track Running, Cross Country and Road Running.