Club Fee Structure
A casual member is defined as a club member who participates only on the Social training nights held once a fortnight on Tuesdays. They are able to participate in the Club Championship if they have attended a minimum of 5 training sessions.
Littlies (6 years and under) - The Littles Club (Give it a Go session) is for 6 years and under and is based on the basic run, jump and throw techniques of athletics. We will encourage participation by giving them fun activities to improve motor skills and give them an understanding of athletics.
A Club Only member is defined as a club member who participates at the fortnightly Social Tuesday training nights and other alternative training sessions on held Tuesdays/Thursdays. They are also able to participate in the Club Championship.
This membership does not include competitions offered through Canterbury Children’s Athletic Association (CCAA), but they will be able to compete in the Colgate Games.
Littlies (6 years and under) - Attention Parents/Caregivers of athletes under 6 years old and under, currently there is a social give it a go for our littlies every second Tuesday, which is classed as our Causal fortnightly fee. If you would like your child to attend this session and other alternative training sessions on Tuesdays/Thursdays outside the littlies social give it a go session you are more than welcome, but they will be required to train with the 7-year-olds. Please be aware for these additional training sessions you will need to accompany your child to each event as there is no Littles Club on these nights.
A competitive member is defined as a club member who participates at the training nights held weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays (including Social Nights). They are also able to participate in the Club Championship.
They are also able to compete at the Colgate Games and in any CCAA events, such as the weekly Inter-club competition at Nga Puna Wai, the Canterbury Children’s Track & Field Championship and, if selected, represent Canterbury at Centre or National level.
Littlies (6 years and under) - The Littles Club only runs on the Social training nights, if they wish to train on other nights they will be training with 7-year-olds (see Club Only section). Parents will need to be there to support them. When they compete at CCAA events they will compete as a Grade 7 athlete.