We are a fun free public running group catering for all ages and abilities. If you are a beginner or recreational runner looking to get fit and healthy or a more confident seasoned runner looking to improve Run New Brighton is for you. Come run some of Christchurch's most scenic running routes from the Eastern Red Zone, Bottle Lake Forest, the Coastal Trail and New Brighton Beach. We run every Wednesday at 5.30pm from the New Brighton Olympic Clubrooms. Come join us for fun, friendship and fitness.
Training Programs
5 km Run
For 5 km run training programs click on the links below:
10 km Run
For 10 km run training programs click on the links below:
Training Resources
Beginning to Run
Running Technique
Understanding nutrition is important for any runner:
Obsessed with Her Weight, This NZ Runner Pushed Her Body to Breaking Point
The Press
The New York Times
Diet Could Help Runners Beat Stomach Issues
New research shows that low FODMAP foods reduce gastrointestinal symptoms. Science Daily​
Defining Energy Deficiency in Sport
Moretti, L. (2016). Eating Disorders
The Influence of 15 Weeks Exercise Training on Dietary Patterns Among Young Adults
Joo, J. (2019). International Journal of Obesity
Weight Management: Healthy Diet, Nutrition, and Weight Loss for Runners
Vo2Max Productions
Best Running Nutrition for Marathons
Vo2Max Productions
It's not all about running, recovery is a vital part of keeping your body fit and healthy:
5 Golden Rules of Marathon Recovery
Guide to Return to Running After an Injury
The Body Mechanic
Returning to Running After an Injury
Trail Runner Magazine
Overtraining: Signs and Symptoms
Vo2Max Productions
The Long Run
Information on training for longer distances:
The Long Run - How Long is Long Enough
Mile 27 Endurance Training
Long Run Training Tips for All Runners
Vo2Max Productions
Endurance but not Resistance Training has Anti-aging Effects
European Society of Cardiology
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Useful information on how to improve your speed:
Vo2Max Productions
How to Run a Faster 5km: Workouts and Training Tips
Vo2Max Productions
How to Run a Sub 1:30 Half Marathon: Training Tips and Workouts
Vo2Max Productions
Vo2Max Productions
Mental Strategy
Learning mental strategies keeps you running longer and faster:
Mile 27 Endurance Training
Exercise May Make You Happier Than Money
Business Insider Deut
Impact of Terrain and Weather
Where you run and conditions you run in will affect your training, so be prepared:
The Science of Hill Running and How it Impacts Race Times
Runners Connect
Running Events
Eastern Christchurch
Running events based in wider Canterbury:
Other running events in Christchurch: