Field events
Field events are diverse and require many different skills from speed to strength. They are broken into two categories jumps and throws. Jumping events include long jump, high jump, triple jump and the pole vault. Athletes are judged by the length (from a board) or height of their jump (over a crossbar).
Throwing events include discus, shot put, javelin and the hammer throw. In these events, the athlete is judged by the distance they can throw the implement (such as a discus or javelin) from a set point.

Track events

The track events are broken up into many more events...
Sprint track events are 100m, 200m and 400m.
Middle-distance track events are 800 metres, 1500 metres and mile run.
Long distance events are 3000 metres, 5000 metres and 10,000 metres. The 5000 m and 10,000 m events have their historical roots in the 3-mile and 6-mile races.
Relay races are the only track and field event in which a team of runners directly compete against other teams. The team is usually made up of four runners of the same sex. There is a designated area where athletes must exchange the baton, and teams may be disqualified if they fail to complete the change within the area, or if the baton is dropped during the race.
The Hurdles track event is where the runner must jump over wooden barriers, the distances for this event are 100m, 110m, 300m and 400m.
At the Steeplechase track event, a runner must jump over wooden barriers including a water jump, the distances for this event are 2,000m and 3,000m.
In all events an athlete maybe disqualified if its runners are deemed to have wilfully impeded other competitors .
The track walk events are a long distance discipline where one foot must be in contact with the ground at all times.
The distances for the track walk are: 3000m and 10,000m.
New Brighton Olympic has in recent years been able to celebrate the success of Rozie Robinson who has competed at both national and international competitions. She is a great ambassador for the event, as she shares her passion for track walking by coaching young athletes at the club.